När jag hade somnat efter 9 timmar i bilen passade E på att ta en kvällspromenad i området. Väldigt vackert. Ett lite smultronställe på Norrlandskusten. When I had fallen asleep after 9 hours in the car, E took the opportunity to go for an evening walk in the area. Very beautiful. This is a littleRead more »

Hade en underbar helg på Labäckens scoutgård. Tema var vilda västern. Det grävdes guld och fångades banditer. Ledarna hade föreställningar som pågick mitt under lägret som involverade barnen. Fantastiskt ordnat. Påbörjat att läsa Cory Doctorows Red Team Blues. Mycket bra hittils.

Me: My son, what is this you are reading?Him: THIS, oooold man, is One piece! Did i say you are old? Back hom from vacation (and the library). Making my own cup of Joe, my way, i my home. That’s one of the greatest feelings. Beautiful weather outside and a good cup of coffee.Keep onRead more »

Helping out a friend who got wet #bumblebee #swedenFTW #upnorth #RescueMission

Letting my children experience a musical for the first time in there life. Peter Pan on a stage out in the free. Wonderful summer evening. Great actors. Good coffee! 🎭♥️☀️☕ #musical #PeterPan #summervacation #swedenFTW #upnorthinsweden

I took some time off and walked my son to school today. He is nine years old and loves exploring. There IS a paved road to school but he always takes the long way – through the park 🎒 ♥️🌳 Weather forecast: partly cloudy. Rain in the afternoon. ☔ #parenting #weather #park

No words needed #nature #weekand #BycicleTrip #family