Went into town for a cup of NITRO COFFEE β and a chat with h.g.v.k.h.n.s.s.n
We where giggling before and O’boy was we giggling after this extremely good beverage.
If you have some time to spare take a listen to my friends droney music
Instagram π· https://instagram.com/h_g_v_k_h_n_s_s_n?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
SoundCloud π§
The place for quality coffee:
Kaffelabbet β
#drone and #nitro #coffee #nitrocoffee #bnw #blackandwhite #photgraphy #GothenburgaFTW #sweden #kaffekabbet
There’s something extremely soothing with a computer without fans. This RPI400 is quickly becoming my favorite computer. If only it was a laptop.. That would be awesome as h*ll!
#raspberrypi400 #rpi400 #ffanless #computing #AllYouNeed