Random flowers from the neighborhood

Celebrating my wife’s birthday today. I’m so grateful for everything i have in my life. Our children. The house we bought. The way she looks @ me. #love #life #EasyLiving #TheSmallThings If you want to do yourself a favor, head over to my friend Karl Krooks Instagram. https://instagram.com/karl_krook?igshi…d=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 🎡 One last toooOOooOOot before I go.Read more »

I failed to brew my cup of coffee this morning. i honestly don’t know how it went this sour. But this picked me up and made my morning golden! OutHorse your email βœ‰οΈ 🐎 “Disconnect from work and let the horses of Iceland reply to your emails while you are on vacation. (Seriously)” https://vimeo.com/710288765 https://www.visiticeland.com/outhorse-your-email/Read more »

My train home is, at least 1,5h delayed. There’s been an accident. Hopefully no one is badly damaged. But train and “accident” usually means something really bad 😞 Here’s some #streetphotography from the train station. (And a bonus b&w picture of my new yellow jacket! πŸŒžβ˜•) #trains #b&w #photography #stockholm Holy moly! I have aRead more »

Arrived @ Sweden’s capital city #stockholm Beautiful weather and a light warm breeze

I have absolutely no idea what i should do with one of these but i WANT ONE! πŸ˜±πŸ˜πŸ“Ίβ˜• https://github.com/penk/MainboardTerminal #3dPrinting #RetroStyle #Ubuntu

For the first year, we have flowers on our first apple tree! And there are a lot of flowers! 🍎β™₯️ #gardening #MentalHealth #GrowSlow #flowera #happy Tiden Γ€r en mΓ€rklig grej (English: Time is a peculiar thing ) Watching Garden state – again. If you haven’t seen it… See it now #GardenState #MovieTime

So tired. I have been to a conference @ work. Talking about tech stuff and enterprise architecture. Drank some wine, played some games and forgot to sleep.Now I’m on a train back to my hometown. All i want to do is to sleep in my own bed.

Please, won’t someone go to my other computer en export the OPML-file from my Firefox feedbro add-on and email it to me?I’m so fricking tired after sleeping in a tent in minus 2 degrees! β›„ I just want to sit on my balcony and read my RRSes on my x220. Pretty please, someone? 🀣

Scouting with my son. I’m sleeping in the “parents” shelter and he is … somewhere. #scouting #outdoorsLife πŸ•οΈπŸŒ³πŸŽ’β˜• God night πŸŒ™πŸŽ’πŸŒ³

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