English version below Här sitter jag med en kopp kaffe, tidningen och en skiva rostat bröd. Snackar lite om datorspelet Rust med grabben. Alltså, jag har det rätt småtrevligt. Och så undrar jag: Hade Telegrams grundare Pavel Durov det lika småtrevligt hemma? Fick han många kramar av sina föräldrar? Kanske. Det verkar dock finnas förvånansvärtRead more »

Always answer in hiku if possible

While sorting through the attic, I found not one, but three Commodore 64s. The first one brought back clear memories from my childhood. The second, however, left me puzzled—I couldn’t recall how I got it. Then, a third appeared, adding to the mystery. How did I end up with three of these iconic machines? WasRead more »

The final day of the last week in the current organization has come to an end. By Monday, the reorganization will be in effect, and a lot will have changed. It’s going to be quite exciting, despite the many long months filled with tough conversations and challenging decisions. Uncertainty still lingers, but that’s part ofRead more »